
Friday, 28 May 2021

Blood moon

Hi read this article that i found on KIWI KIDS about the (Blood Kids new)

 A blood red moon was visible for a number of New Zealanders on Tuesday night.

This was the first of four eclipses that will occur between now and the end of the year.
This lunar eclipse is known as a blood moon despite some poor weather around the country most areas of New Zealand were able to see the moon.

The event started around  7.45pm, and continued for around a couple of hours.
The red colour is caused by light passing through the Earth’s atmosphere and lighting up the moon.

Article written by  Editor

3.4 Kei hea a?


WALT: to say where someone is

Monday, 24 May 2021

Monday, 17 May 2021

Earths four (Sphere)


Walt: We are learing about earths four (sphere) BIOSPHERE< GEOSPHERE
ATOMSPHERE<HYDROSPHERE. The main thing in this work is that
we have to learn about geosphere and biosphere. 

Monday, 10 May 2021

Noa ila from Rotumai-Rotuman language week

Ministry for Pacific Peoples — Rotuman Language Week 2021Noa ila thats hello in the rotuman language my information report today will share with you some important facts about rotuman

Rotuman is located in the southern hemisphere near Tuvalu in the north; samoa to the east,  fiji to the south and Vanuatu to the west of Rotuman

Rotuman has a total population of less than 2000 people living on the island but more Rotuma living in fiji

The languages spoken on Rotuma are english and Rotuman. Rotuman languages is in endangered and only has 15,000 nativa speakers around the world

Learning about Rotuman language and knowing facts about their location their population and knowing what their languages

Press to go straight to Rotuman

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Earth Science #1

Task Description: Hi Room 5 is learning about earth and whats going to happen to it;on slide 3 there is a KWL chart that has ( what i already know/ what i want to know/ what i found out/learned) 

Fractions Fun?



Task Description:Hi today we are finding fractions of a whole and set. We are trying add/subtract fractions.   

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Watch This Space


Task description: Hi we are writing down the key words for our literacy class from the immersion assembly that happened yesterday. These are all the key words to my poster and the theme of this one is the { The 4 earth Systems} Biosphere, Geo sphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere. 

Monday, 3 May 2021

What are Fractions?



 Task disruption:Hi we are learning to work out fractions and were the are placed. i am finding these fractions kind of easy to solve.



Task Disruption:We are Writing about our immersion assemble and about the item we liked and the item i liked;Team 4 and their theme was all about {THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY}