Last week we went snorkelling at the GI pools with Mr Sommerville down the street. We got to the pools and went in to listen to our instructor for the next step; but by the time we got there the girls were still swimming.
So well we were waiting. We got into our swimming clothes to check what we had to do next for our swimming teacher and it was to rinse ourselves under the shower, near the hot tub to get wet and clean to sit near the water where we were.
We stood in a line to get the gear for snorkelling, then waited for the guidelines on how to put them out and take them off.
We had swim fins and masked goggles for underwater snorkelling.
By the time we all got down to take a seat they gave us shampoo to put in the goggles so it does not fog when we put it on.
The activities that we did was floating on a noodle and swimming arm by arm with your buddy and my buddy was Osa; we were on fire swimming here and there but then it all went to an end cause my mum came to get me.