
Friday, 17 August 2018


T3 W2: Number Knowledge

Answer the following questions in your blue maths book. Be sure to show ALL of your work neatly and title the assignment as shown on the top of this page.

  1. 213 + 454 =667

  1. 344 + 623 =967

  1. 932 + 389 = 1321

  1. 895 - 652 = 243

  1. 522 - 367 = 155
  • 23 X 6 = 138

    1. 56 X 5 = 280

    1. 45 X 9 = 405

    1. 442 X 2 = 884

    1. 328 X 4 =1312
    1. ½ of 62 = 31

    1. ¾ of 75 = 56.25

    1. ⅗ of 50 = 30

    1. ⅝ of 80 = 50

    1. 3/7 of 42 = 18


    • Be sure to check your answers.
    • Pick one question from each column, and show how you solved it on the next page.
    • Screenshot ONLY the table below and post it to your blog with 2-3 sentences telling your readers what you did and learnt.

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