
Wednesday, 1 December 2021



Task Disruption: So in this Maths slideshow it is based on Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities ( DIMC ) Independent Tasks Subtraction. This work task is about how to subtract decimals from decimals and fractions from fractions.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Two Way Probability table


Task description: We are learning to two way probability table 

like how many year 7 or 8 want to play for this or how many boy chose this or that.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021



Task Description: We are learning how to structure
 a introduction and a conclusion.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Area & Volume


Task description: 

The area refers to the region that is covered by the object. The volume refers to the quantity or capacity of the object. Area is split into two-dimensional object where as volume is a three-dimensional object. The volume is measured in cubic units and area is measured in square units.   

Monday, 18 October 2021

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Tuvalu Math


Task description: Talofa and hi we are doing a half based tuvalu and math like the Tuvalu Titi, as we go on the next slides are graph of deaths and birth.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Monday, 20 September 2021

Transformation Geometry


Task Description: Hi and today we are learning about Translation, Reflection and Rotation witch in fact is to do with geometry; All the things that we learning and get to learn are from the how to work it out witch there are videos to help us out.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Geometry Challenge


Task description: Hi and today we are doing geometry and it telling us to sort the shapes but based on there sides witch count as numbers.

We are looking at the 3 dimension and what we know about it, we have rotated and tessellated shapes to cover the page.
We rotate shapes clockwise and anti clockwise in witch of course in degrees

Friday, 27 August 2021

Admirable Algebra 2


Task Description: Hi and today the work is Algebra to identify the rule for a pattern and so are we finding unknown values

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Math Revision

Task Description: Hi and today we are learning about maths revision,  but first we start with a warm up, moving in to orders from smallest to largest. We next put numbers into the right place value column and moving on to underline the number bigger. We then write numbers in expanded forms. we wrote numbers in compact forms and to identify number pattern. we are looking at the number describing each pattern. On the last four slides we are identifying colour patterns and growing pattern and repeating

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Warm up


Task Desruption: Hi and today we are doing warm up treasure hunt. Today we are looking for the correct coordinates. 

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Algebra F/up


Task desruption: Hi and today we are learning to 
us symblosinstead of numbers and finding the 
value of the unkown.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Amazing Algebra.


Task desrupsion: Hi and on this task we are createing our own pattern and we are finding unkown values and trying to identify the rule for a pattern

Monday, 9 August 2021



Task desrupsion: Hi and today we are in inqury. We are learning all about PRECIOUS MCKENZIE and how well he has represent fhm,tcrxt4svz

Intro 2 Algebra.


Task desrupsion: Hi and today we are learning about intros to Algebra. We are learning to us symbols instead of numbers, we are trying some harder problems and finding the value of the unkown number.

Emma twigg.


Task desrupsion: Today we are learning about Emma twigg that won us three gold medal in the snigle womens scull for rowing. Emma twigg first time competeing in the olimpics was in 2003.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Dmic problems


Task disruption: Today we are learning algebra and in the slide deck we are trying to crack the code and we did. We had to add up all the letter have numbers that we have to figuer out.

WORDS HAVE POWER, Persuasive Writing.


  • Do dogs or cats make better pets

I would choose a dog because if someone was trying to rob me my dog would chase him away or tackle him to the floor so I can call the cops. But if I had a cat the cat would run away and I would have to defend myself against the robber. If I got to choose my dog it would be two Rottweiler they are great family members they are not aggressive when playing with them and they are like super bodyguards. They can tell the difference between a family member and stranger.

 Did you know that Rottweiler almost became extinct, Rottweilers are named after the town Rottweil. What is special about Rottweilers? The ideal Rottweiler is calm, confident, and courageous, never shy. He has a self-assured aloofness and doesn't make friends with people immediately or indiscriminately. Instead, he takes a wait-and-see attitude with new people or situations. With his family, he's affectionate, often following them around the house. 

Cute Pictures of Cats and Dogs Playing Together | POPSUGAR Pets

Monday, 2 August 2021

Violet walrond


Task description: Today we learned about violet walrond and her team competing in the Olympic in 23 of august 1920 and her farther being her path and coach.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Ahea (When)


Task Description: Today we were learning about colours and to pronounce it in moari. We had a create task on the last page and the colours i chose was (Black, Red, Blue).

Friday, 2 July 2021

About Me

Kia Orana and hi, My name is Ozzy and I have a  family of 16 with 6 sisters and 10 brothers. I’m a mix of the Cook Islands from my Mum’s side, and Samoan, Tongan from my Dad’s side, but my main culture is Cook island. What I like to do is play a lot of sports with my friends and do many other awesome things. My least favourite thing to do is sit around at different places and do nothing interesting. 

My favourite subject in school is Maths and why because it keeps me entertained and it's also very challenging which makes me understand Maths a bit more. 

In my spare time I like to play more sports such as Rugby and also play games with my brother in law and other family members. 

What I want to do which is going to be achieved in the future is to become a famous Nrl player for the Warriors and to play in the state of origin in the new south wales.  

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Mighty Measurement


Task Description: Hi we are learning to convert the units of measurement, calculate the area of a triangle, calculating the area and perimeter of the equilateral triangles, parallelograms and rectangles.

We are measuring jug's and what levels they are on, and how much they weigh. 

Monday, 28 June 2021



Every year kids get NAPED and when I mean NAPED I mean KIDNAPPED. Every century a ton of kids are taken from their homes and from their parents. Kids from South Korea and North Korea and the Philippines are being taken to a place that they have never been or seen in their life but by the time they have woken up they have seen everything they weren’t meant to be seeing.

Every single child that has been KIDNAPPED saw everything that was not meant to be happening, and at that very moment they saw the creepiest monster, ASWAG. ASWAG is a shape-shifting evil entity who is part vampire, ghoul and witch. The ASWAG also known as Tik tik feeds on pregnant women and they feed on children so that he can suck their blood to regain health when he gets attacked by Police.

The ASWAG always shape-shifts to a hog, dog and a big bird like an eagle; it only shape-shifts when it is escaping from something.

         To Be Continued


 Last week we went snorkelling at the GI pools with Mr Sommerville down the street. We got to the pools and went in to listen to our instructor for the next step; but by the time we got there the girls were still swimming.

 So well we were waiting. We got into our swimming clothes to check what we had to do next for our swimming teacher and it was to rinse ourselves under the shower, near the hot tub to get wet and clean to sit near the water where we were.

 We stood in a line to get the gear for snorkelling, then waited for the guidelines on how to put them out and take them off.

 We had swim fins and masked goggles for underwater snorkelling.

 By the time we all got down to take a seat they gave us shampoo to put in the goggles so it does not fog when we put it on.

The activities that we did was floating on a noodle and swimming arm by arm with your buddy and my buddy was Osa; we were on fire swimming here and there but then it all went to an end cause my mum came to get me.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Kiwi Kids Review: The Third Largest Diamond


Task Description: We are searching on kiwi kids news about stuff that is interesting and valuable. This is about the worlds third largest diamond the has been found in Botswana in the company of the mining firm Debswana and the founder of the diamond is De Beers 

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Math Measurement.


Task Description: We are learning to rewrite the story to make sure the measurements are in the correct place. We are learning to estimation witch is most likely to be that. We are learning to order measurement and to read scales.

Meet Measurement


Task Description: We are learning to place decimals in the right order. We
 are choosing units of measurement and putting labels in there right places.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Climate Change


Task Description: Today my group Duff was learning about how climate 
change is caused and how is climate change happens. We have learn that 
there is the green house in the atmosphere.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Converting decimals into fractions


Task Description: Hi today Room 5 math class Is learning to Convert
decimals into fraction like I just did in this slide deck it show decimal
numbers in to decimal words.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Why people fear speech


Task Disruption: Today we are working on our oral speech, we watch kid president and the comdeim Tofiga Fepulea'i.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Samoan Super star

Dwayne Johnson ( the rock born in May 2, 1972) Well to be exact, he’s part Samoan Nova Scotian, but a proud one. Born to an African-Canadian father and a Samoan mother, the former wrestler is currently one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. In fact, wrestling runs in the family with his father a former wrestling star along with many of his Samoan relatives like the Uso brothers, Roman Reigns the BIG DOG, Nia Jax, Afa and Sika Anoa'i the wild samoans who are now old, Rosey who is an american professional wrestler, Rikishi best know as under the rings and 2 time world tag team champion, Yokozuna who is a the highest rank in professional sumo wrestling Champion in Japan ; and last his grandfather Peter Maivia  (born Fanene Pita Anderson; April 6, 1937 – June 13, 1982) was a Samoan-American professional wrestler.

How is Roman Reigns related to The Rock? 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

The Season


Walt: to find out what are the seasons
and to work out how every season works.

Friday, 28 May 2021

Blood moon

Hi read this article that i found on KIWI KIDS about the (Blood Kids new)

 A blood red moon was visible for a number of New Zealanders on Tuesday night.

This was the first of four eclipses that will occur between now and the end of the year.
This lunar eclipse is known as a blood moon despite some poor weather around the country most areas of New Zealand were able to see the moon.

The event started around  7.45pm, and continued for around a couple of hours.
The red colour is caused by light passing through the Earth’s atmosphere and lighting up the moon.

Article written by  Editor

3.4 Kei hea a?


WALT: to say where someone is

Monday, 24 May 2021

Monday, 17 May 2021

Earths four (Sphere)


Walt: We are learing about earths four (sphere) BIOSPHERE< GEOSPHERE
ATOMSPHERE<HYDROSPHERE. The main thing in this work is that
we have to learn about geosphere and biosphere. 

Monday, 10 May 2021

Noa ila from Rotumai-Rotuman language week

Ministry for Pacific Peoples — Rotuman Language Week 2021Noa ila thats hello in the rotuman language my information report today will share with you some important facts about rotuman

Rotuman is located in the southern hemisphere near Tuvalu in the north; samoa to the east,  fiji to the south and Vanuatu to the west of Rotuman

Rotuman has a total population of less than 2000 people living on the island but more Rotuma living in fiji

The languages spoken on Rotuma are english and Rotuman. Rotuman languages is in endangered and only has 15,000 nativa speakers around the world

Learning about Rotuman language and knowing facts about their location their population and knowing what their languages

Press to go straight to Rotuman

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Earth Science #1

Task Description: Hi Room 5 is learning about earth and whats going to happen to it;on slide 3 there is a KWL chart that has ( what i already know/ what i want to know/ what i found out/learned) 

Fractions Fun?



Task Description:Hi today we are finding fractions of a whole and set. We are trying add/subtract fractions.   

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Watch This Space


Task description: Hi we are writing down the key words for our literacy class from the immersion assembly that happened yesterday. These are all the key words to my poster and the theme of this one is the { The 4 earth Systems} Biosphere, Geo sphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere. 

Monday, 3 May 2021

What are Fractions?



 Task disruption:Hi we are learning to work out fractions and were the are placed. i am finding these fractions kind of easy to solve.



Task Disruption:We are Writing about our immersion assemble and about the item we liked and the item i liked;Team 4 and their theme was all about {THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY}

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

What do i know about Statistics?


Description: For this work we are learning of (what do you know about statistics)
and this is all about what you know bout it and researching what does statistics includes

Working With Whole Numbers


Description: We are learning 5 ways to solve each of these equation
to see witch is best to use for all others

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Trip around the world


Desperation: Hi {Trip around the world} is all about witch country you would 
want to go in the future and all the transnational dish that they have.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Numbers in Teo Maori


Description: We are learning to count in Teo Maori from 1 to 30 and completing all
the slide that we have to do.