
Friday, 27 August 2021

Admirable Algebra 2


Task Description: Hi and today the work is Algebra to identify the rule for a pattern and so are we finding unknown values

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Math Revision

Task Description: Hi and today we are learning about maths revision,  but first we start with a warm up, moving in to orders from smallest to largest. We next put numbers into the right place value column and moving on to underline the number bigger. We then write numbers in expanded forms. we wrote numbers in compact forms and to identify number pattern. we are looking at the number describing each pattern. On the last four slides we are identifying colour patterns and growing pattern and repeating

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Warm up


Task Desruption: Hi and today we are doing warm up treasure hunt. Today we are looking for the correct coordinates. 

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Algebra F/up


Task desruption: Hi and today we are learning to 
us symblosinstead of numbers and finding the 
value of the unkown.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Amazing Algebra.


Task desrupsion: Hi and on this task we are createing our own pattern and we are finding unkown values and trying to identify the rule for a pattern

Monday, 9 August 2021



Task desrupsion: Hi and today we are in inqury. We are learning all about PRECIOUS MCKENZIE and how well he has represent fhm,tcrxt4svz

Intro 2 Algebra.


Task desrupsion: Hi and today we are learning about intros to Algebra. We are learning to us symbols instead of numbers, we are trying some harder problems and finding the value of the unkown number.

Emma twigg.


Task desrupsion: Today we are learning about Emma twigg that won us three gold medal in the snigle womens scull for rowing. Emma twigg first time competeing in the olimpics was in 2003.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Dmic problems


Task disruption: Today we are learning algebra and in the slide deck we are trying to crack the code and we did. We had to add up all the letter have numbers that we have to figuer out.

WORDS HAVE POWER, Persuasive Writing.


  • Do dogs or cats make better pets

I would choose a dog because if someone was trying to rob me my dog would chase him away or tackle him to the floor so I can call the cops. But if I had a cat the cat would run away and I would have to defend myself against the robber. If I got to choose my dog it would be two Rottweiler they are great family members they are not aggressive when playing with them and they are like super bodyguards. They can tell the difference between a family member and stranger.

 Did you know that Rottweiler almost became extinct, Rottweilers are named after the town Rottweil. What is special about Rottweilers? The ideal Rottweiler is calm, confident, and courageous, never shy. He has a self-assured aloofness and doesn't make friends with people immediately or indiscriminately. Instead, he takes a wait-and-see attitude with new people or situations. With his family, he's affectionate, often following them around the house. 

Cute Pictures of Cats and Dogs Playing Together | POPSUGAR Pets

Monday, 2 August 2021

Violet walrond


Task description: Today we learned about violet walrond and her team competing in the Olympic in 23 of august 1920 and her farther being her path and coach.